Traditional jazz midi files
Traditional jazz midi files

traditional jazz midi files

To download the MIDI file, click the word link "Melody" to the right of song's name.įilipino Folk Songs - A collection of Filipino folk songs in MIDI format, gathered by Sanny Tendilla. You can then find and download the MIDI files you want.įolk Songs of the World - This huge English and German language site, owned by Richard Kopp, contains hundreds of MIDI files for music in these categories: Chorale Hymns, 1912 Lutheran Hymnal, 1916 Episcopal Hymnal, Olney Hymns 1779, Christmas Songs, Sea Songs, Workers Songbook 1915, Des Knaben Wunderhorn, Irish Melodies 1806-34, Civil War Songs, War Songs, Hiking Songs, Hunting Songs, Low German Songs, and Drinking Songs. To find the MIDI files, use the navigation buttons at the top of the page to go to the various "styles" pages. The first page gives much background and hints for using the site. "Cimbalom" Hungarian Folk - This site hosts a large and rich collection of over 3500 MIDI files of Hungarian melodies. These are great for whistle, fiddle, or other solo instruments. Specifically for MIDI files, you can click the "Midi" link to access their MIDI files of a variety of dance tunes, most of which are single-melody lines.

traditional jazz midi files

The Cats Whiskers Barn Dance Band - The band's website hosts a number of resources for dancers, callers, and musicians. There are a large number of MIDI files to download, including tuning sequences so that you can play along with your computer in tune and a beginner's play-along page with easier transcriptions. Jim Bottorff's Banjo Page - This site is a wonderful resource for banjo players. One area of Ron Clarke's great resource site. Some songs have only the lyrics given if there is a MIDI file available for the song, you can click on "Melody" after the song title to download the MIDI file.įolk songs Words and Tunes - Great source of lyrics for folks songs from Britain, Ireland, and the USA. Click on the name of a country to look at songs from that country or click on "Folk songs of the World" to go to an inclusive alphabetic index.

traditional jazz midi files

Midi Melodies - This is the home page for Frank Petersohn's extensive collection of MIDIs and lyrics for folk songs from around the world.

Traditional jazz midi files